Our Story


Who is behind Weirdough Momma?

A 29 year old disabled mother to one beautiful baby girl. My daughter is now a toddler… I cant believe it either. She will be 20 months here really soon. Kenz as I call her most of the time; is a very strong young lady emotionally, physically, and mentally, she is also very loving and caring, as well as adventurous. Theres not much that stops my little girl, not even her medical issues we are still trying to figure out. She is a little dare devil and will keeping trying at something until she learns how to overcome the obstacle or she masters the skill.

Why Weirdough Momma?

I am a Food Scientist and Baking Scientist by trade and work as a Culinary Scientist, thats right there is such a thing! I love my job because everyday is a different obstacle to overcome in the food manufacturing field. Wether its in the Research and Development side of the industry or the safety side, they both hold a very special spot in my heart.

Weirdough Momma was created because I have been told before that I am weird or different because of my disability, my field or education, job choices, and the way I conceived my daughter. To me the whole world is a little weird, if we weren’t all different then life would be super duper boring and we would have nothing at all to talk about with loved ones, friends, and strangers.

As I like to say Im just a Weirdough Momma trying to survive in an even weirder world.

What will you find on Weirdough Momma?

I love to craft to help with my mental stability, which I sell right here on my website. You will also come across my blog which gives parenting tips and tricks, baking tips and tricks, recipes, my journey through motherhood (the best hood of all hehe) and funny, inspirational, and witty quotes that I have come across.